101 Gardening Tips

The Best Gardening Tips and Tricks For Beginners

What Is Garden Soil Make Of?

What is Garden Soil composition? Garden soil consists of the following elements: Natural minerals are small pieces of rocky matter that have either been weathered or broken down. These include rock salt, gypsum, fine aggregate, and different types of fossils. Rock-based minerals in soil generally range into three major categories: gypsum, silt and clay. Clay […]

How Do You Display Garden Statues?

How do you display garden statues in your garden? A garden statue adds a great accent to your garden. It gives your garden a personality and style and best of all it does not cost a lot. Let’s discuss about how to display garden statues and ideas that would be most appropriate for your garden. […]

Why Is Butterfly Gardens So Important?

Have you ever asked yourself, “what is the purpose of butterfly garden”? Butterflies are a natural attraction for many garden enthusiasts. You will find that a butterfly garden adds a touch of nature that cannot be found in other types of gardening. It is a beautiful and easy way to add an insect attraction to […]

What is the Cheapest Way to Cover a Patio?

If you have recently constructed or are considering building a deck or patio, you may be asking yourself what is the cheapest way to cover a patio. When I was younger, I thought that if I wanted to build a patio that was going to be usable year round, I was going to have to […]

What Is Garden Soil Make Of?

What is Garden Soil composition? Garden soil consists of the following elements: Natural minerals are small pieces of rocky matter that have either been weathered or broken down. These include rock salt, gypsum, fine aggregate, and different types of fossils. Rock-based minerals in soil generally range into three major categories: gypsum, silt and clay. Clay […]

How Do You Make A Rain Garden?

A simple rain garden is simply a depression in the landscape that collects rain water and allows it to soak up into the soil. The rain falling on your garden is absorbed by the porous surface of the rain garden, allowing it to permeate the soil and seep into it. The process of the absorption […]

How Do You Start a Herb Garden For Beginners?

How can you start a herb garden for beginners? There are many gardening tips out there. But all gardening tips for beginners lead the beginner to one important question: Where can I get the seeds to plant in my garden? And where do I place the seeds once they are planted? In this article, I’ll […]

The Many Benefits of Having a Covered Patio

The benefits of having a covered patio are easy to see when you consider the increased use of outdoor space in the summer months. From spending more time outside, brightening up indoor spaces, and adding aesthetic value to your property, all of these benefits can be gained. However, since some patios do have UV blocking […]

What Does Black Garden Ants Eat?

What does a black garden look like? That’s a question many people ask when they are considering starting a black garden project. A black garden can be very imposing and quite threatening. But before you fear for your life and take out your black ants, consider these questions and the answers they may bring to […]

What Is Garden Soil Make Of?

What is Garden Soil composition? Garden soil consists of the following elements: Natural minerals are small pieces of rocky matter that have either been weathered or broken down. These include rock salt, gypsum, fine aggregate, and different types of fossils. Rock-based minerals in soil generally range into three major categories: gypsum, silt and clay. Clay […]

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